In reply to @notenoughneon trying to run the skein quickstart, got stuck on typing...
@misuba Sorry, it assumed typings/typescript/mocha are installed globally. I updated the docs. Let me know if you still have trouble
In reply to @notenoughneon hey Emma, could I DM you re: speaking & #nodejs/#NdoePD...
@Adron Yes, of course. :)
In reply to So I guess it finds the whole in-reply-to chain upwards, but not (yet)...
It should work both up and down the reply chain.
In reply to Back when Amazon mandated that all of it’s teams must communicate sole...
@jeremyzilar Would be even better if teams had to rely on each other's API docs.
In reply to @Jermolene @edrex @notenoughneon Cognitive affinity with my memory of ...
@anticdent @Jermolene @edrex Thinking of renaming it to avoid confusion. One suggestion was PURR: parse-update-render-repeat
Emma Kuo liked this.

Bridging the IndieWeb Generation Gap

A week or two ago Kevin Marks pointed the IWC channel to a must-read talk called Inessential Weirdness in Open Source given by Sumana Harihareswa at OSCON this year. Weirdnesses are quirks of your project, community, or culture that might intimidate/discourage newcomers. Essential weirdnesses are foundational; without them, you’d be doing a different thing. Inessential weirdnesses are everything else, losing them might slow you down or make it less fun, but it wouldn’t change any fundamental aspect of the project. She makes a point of saying that inessential doesn’t mean unimportant or bad — your weird tools (ahem, git) help you get stuff done; jargon is useful shorthand; in-jokes are part of a group’s culture. I really like this framing. It gives us permission to defend the essential, even if some of it is off-putting to some people. And it gives some direction for where newcomers should start, and what can be hidden/saved for later. So inevitably my question is: what are IndieWebCamp’s weirdnesses? Folks, mostly Tantek, have done an amazing job defining the essential ones on the wiki under Different and Principles. Build stuff on the web, on a site you control. Have fun. Don’t worry too much about making it beautiful or well architected, polished, smart, or automated (unless those are the things you enjoy). Don’t just talk about building things, build things! Some inessential bits are plumbing and protocols: rel-me...
In reply to They took 2 months to interview me 5 times and then say no. They’re go...
That is so frustrating. I went through a similar experience recently.
In reply to IndieWeb Summit
RSVP yes
In reply to Like, coroutines are just categorically better.
Have you checked out typescript? I posted some thoughts on how it alleviates callback hell:
In reply to Not looking for ideal, I just want the experience of AIM circa 2001 ba...
I've been primarily using steam chat. And previously, pidgin with gchat/jabber. But yeah, I do miss AIM.
In reply to my generation deserves better chat clients than Hangouts and iMessage
What would make the ideal chat client?
In reply to I don’t want to reinvent PuSH but I do kind of want there to be a way ...
I was thinking of adding PuSH support, is there a reason more people don't use it?
In reply to darn, thank you for trying. it didn’t pick up a micropub endpoint or t...
When I try your reader now, the like/reply buttons are no longer visible...
In reply to Thanks! Yes, I mean, theoretically :) It’s still pretty rough but feel...
I tried it out, but couldn't get it to publish likes/replies. Might be something broken on my end. My reader is manual polling for now, no cron jobs.
In reply to liking a post via Woodwind
Nice! Does it work with any micropub endpoint?
In reply to gif1 gif2 Thanks Gifff Booth! ;O
Was that at Frances May's opening? I wanted to go but couldn't make it...
In reply to gif1 gif2 Thanks Gifff Booth! ;O
Was that at Frances May's opening party? I wanted to go but couldn't make it...
In reply to Surprisingly neither having my own website, nor POSSE have elevated th...
But at least you own your jokes now!
In reply to PDX, couldn’t resist copying @aaronpk
I'm at PDX right now too, but headed to SFO!
Emma Kuo liked this.
This is what she does when she knows we’re going out of town :’(